The sitcom follows the lives of a 29-year-old San Francisco freelance photographer named Samantha "Sam" Russell (Pam Dawber) and her 16-year-old sister Patti (Rebecca Schaeffer). Sam's life is turned upside down when Patti, who has been living with the sisters' Aunt Elsie and Uncle Bob in rural Oregon after the death of the girls' parents, shows up on Sam's door step and announces that she is going to live with Sam.[1]
The supporting cast includes Sam's neurotic agent Jordan Dylan "J.D." Lucas (Joel Brooks), Sam's sarcastic assistant Dixie Randazzo (Jenny O'Hara) and Jack Kincaid (David Naughton), Sam's womanizing photojournalist neighbor who frequently stops by Sam's apartment.
Genre Sitcom
Created by Stephen Fischer
Developed by Susan Beavers
Written by Lisa Albert
Dennis Danzinger
Diane English
Stephen Fischer
Karyl Miller
Danny Jacobson
Gary Murphy
Tom Palmer
Ellen Sandler
Ramona Schindelheim
Korby Siamis
Larry Strawther
Directed by Peter Bonerz
Zane Buzby
Matthew Diamond
James Gardner
Ellen Gittelsohn
Barnet Kellman
Steve Zuckerman
Starring Pam Dawber
Rebecca Schaeffer
Jenny O'Hara
Joel Brooks
David Naughton
Theme music composer John Bettis
Steve Dorff
Pam Dawber as Samantha "Sam" Russell
Rebecca Schaeffer as Patricia "Patti" Russell
Joel Brooks as Jordan Dylan "J.D." Lucas
Jenny O'Hara as Dixie Randazzo
David Naughton as Jack Kincaid