Yes, they're using them to spy on the third world now. You get to the Philippines, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Thailand, Malaysia and many other countries both third world and first world, they make you show ID and register with the government when you buy a SIM card. They say that this will stop crime. But it does not stop crime, it does not even cause a reduction of crime. It simply permits corrupt governments, including the US government, to spy on people. And it allows big tech to spy on you and bombard you with scam ads directly targeting you.
I registered my telephone number when I was in Thailand and I was bombarded with these scam ads telling me that I could make a lucrative amount of money on the internet if I attended this course. I knew that was not true because there are many third world people who are fluent in English who will work for next to nothing. But it kept sending me the same ads saying that if I attended their courses, paid the money and attended their courses, I could make a huge amount of money on the internet, just being a digital nomad - which was complete b*******. Also they knew I was single and they kept bombarding me with these advertisements to learn these magical pick up lines that would make me irresistible to women. Now I knew this was complete b*******. They kept bombarding me with these ads, the same ads over and over again and similar ads. They were trying to scam me. And who wants a corrupt government like the government of Thailand breathing down your neck?
In Thailand, if the police decide to accuse you of a crime, they will coerce you into signing a confession - even though it will be written in Thai and you won't be able to understand it. They will coerce you using various ways like lying to you, chaining you to a chair and beating you until you do sign it, or simply threatening to give you a much longer sentence - a threat which they will certainly carry out - as it is normal to get a much longer sentence if you do not confess to a crime in Thailand.
One scam, which is used to shut people up when they complain about governments intruding on their privacy is; if you are not a pervert, a terrorist or a criminal, you should have nothing to worry about. This implies that if you want privacy you must be one of the above. The claim that you will have nothing to worry about is not true. You can post something on social media, like a picture of the king of Thailand which is unflattering, and get arrested for it in Thailand. Even if you were not aware that it was illegal. Many foreigners get arrested in Thailand. Much of the Thai prison population is made up of foreigners. Thailand has one of the highest incarceration rates in Asia.
Have you ever noticed that the new cell phones don't have toggle switches? They only have pressure switches and when you put it in your pocket after you have turned it off it will turn itself on again. Maybe this is because they are used to spy on people, yes? It is well known that carrying cell phones next to your body, when they are on, greatly increases your risk of cancer.
Cell phones are used to spy on, and scam, first world people too - but we all knew that anyway.
I must confess, I have a chronic cellphone addiction.
It’s a form of psychological masturbation.
It’s by far my major method of gratification.
While those around see it as a selfish irritation.
Some see a bizarre and psychotic deviation.
When I can’t use my phone, I feel deep frustration.
It leads to agony, despair and exasperation.
Yet, when I can use my phone, there’s dissatisfaction.
It has an interesting effect on my rationalization.
As well as a risk of malignant affliction.
Big brother uses them for spying and identification.
They’re for underhanded snooping and observation.
They allow the government to get your information.
They are tools of propaganda and manipulation,
espionage, intrusion and mass exploitation.
They spread wokeist hatred and disinformation.
They are corrupting and perverting civilization.
Cellphones use your time in devoted contemplation.
They stop you from using your imagination.
Lack of use causes mental deterioration,
recollective and cognitive degeneration.
They’re detrimental to physical competition.
They cause the opposite effect of masculinization.
If I really want good health – and true satisfaction;
I’ll rid myself of all cellphones - and get into action.
I must find a form of psychological detoxification.
My health and circulation need regeneration.
But, right now, I feel an urge for urination…
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