Vladimir Putin announced to the whole world that he is afraid to continue fighting with small Ukraine, which is 17-18 times smaller than Russia and economically weaker, if Ukraine uses long-range missiles, which are still 90% smaller than Putin's military potential and missile forces. Putin seems not to understand that countries that produce weapons are not participants in wars that other countries wage using this weapons. He also allegedly does not understand that the capitalist world is a world of business, a world of buying and selling, in which everything is sold, including information from space satellites, and this is a legitimate business, not participation in a war. In other words, Vladimir Putin announced to all of humanity that he is a coward who wet himself with fear, a mediocrity, an inadequate, pathetic nonentity speculating on nuclear war, and, in addition, a political swindler. Why this is so, and not some other way, is reasonably proven in this publication.
Dear citizens of Russia, Ukraine, the USA, Europe, and the rest of our planetary world, on September 12, 2024, Vladimir Putin inappropriately stated that if the USA and Europe allow Ukraine to use missiles donated or sold to Ukraine at a distance 300 kilometers from their borders in a defensive war against the aggressive aggression wars of Talmudic Russia, then this would mean that these countries allegedly started a war with Russia. Putin subjectively explained this by saying that Ukraine does not have the space capabilities to identify military targets within a radius of 300 km. Dear citizens, now I will prove to you in detail why this statement by Putin is not only mentally inadequate and absurd, but also proof of cowardice, incompetence, and political fraud on the part of the Talmudic President of Russia who has gone mad. To begin with, I would like to remind everyone that the initiator of the replacement in the USSR and the Russian Federation of the international worldview (ideology), and the corresponding equal and friendly relations between our peoples, with an anti-constitutional nationalist (Nazi) worldview (ideology) was Vladimir Putin himself, together with Boris Yeltsin. Let me also remind you that nationalism in the 21st century is a tool of the Talmudic political caste for opposing (goyish) peoples to each other, for inciting Nazi hatred and conflicts between them, with the aim of robbing, plundering and enslaving them in an artificially created mass emotional impulsiveness, confusion and muddle. Putin's party is the same unconstitutionally nationalistic, that is, Nazi, which fraudulently covers up its discriminatory, unjust, predatory policy, as well as its desire to become the gendarme of Europe and the entire world, with just fair communist rhetoric, thereby deliberately misleading China, North Korea and Mongolia. At the same time, Putin absurdly accused Ukrainians of the same nationalism in order to conquer and annex to Russia the eastern regions of Ukraine, which are rich in natural resources and have a developed heavy industry. So, the President of Russia started a war of conquest with Ukraine in 2022, fraudulently using the flags and banners of the Soviet Union, for the occupational seizure of its territory, which is 17-18 times smaller than the Russian Federation. Ukraine, which, for peacekeeping purposes on our planet, renounced its nuclear weapons, does not have such a powerful military-industrial complex and economy as Russia, which inherited most of it from the Soviet Union. By the way, backward agrarian Russia, of dirty plough and shovel, became one of the most developed and powerful countries on our planet, and most importantly a nuclear power, thanks to the Georgian Joseph Jugashvili (Stalin) and the Megrelian Lavrentiy Bariya, who led the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, and who considered all the peoples of the USSR to be equal and fraternal, and the territory of the Soviet Union to be their native Motherland. All the peoples of the Soviet Union thought so, and many still think so. This also applies to Ukraine. Despite this, Vladimir Putin, in a war with a non-nuclear and economically weaker Ukraine, which is 17-18 times smaller than Russia, has drawn not only fraternal Russia and Belarus, but even North Korea, Iran and China. Iran not only supplies Putin with unmanned military aircraft of the aircraft type for this brutal war, but also built a factory in Russia to produce such military drones. Moreover, Iran supplies Putin with missiles to wage war on Ukraine, and China supplies Putin with electronics, which Putin uses for his military needs in the war with Ukraine. North Korea supplies Russia with artillery shells against the Ukrainian people, with whom Putin cowardly concluded a mutual assistance agreement in the event of an attack on Russia. Although, so far only Russia itself has attacked Ukraine, and no one has attacked Russia. At the same time, neither Putin himself nor Ukraine have stated that Iran, China and North Korea allegedly began to wage war on Ukraine. Why is this so? Because such a statement would be absurd. Now let's return to the absurd statement of Vladimir Putin, allegedly if Ukraine uses missiles it received (purchased) or gifted to it in a war with Russia, as required by military necessity, then he will consider that the countries producing these missiles are allegedly waging a war with Russia. Only a very mentally ill or very cowardly person can make such a statement, since many countries of the world are fighting with military equipment and missiles of Russian manufacture, but no one accuses the country producing these weapons, Russia, allegedly waging a war there. Why is Putin's statement also cowardly?! Because Vladimir Putin himself, fraudulently using the economic and military resources of the Russian Federation, both in his own private interests and in the private interests of the Talmudists of Russia, waging a war of conquest with Ukraine, which is 17-18 times smaller, does not limit his military actions and strikes against Ukraine either by distance or even by civilian infrastructure. He destroys the entire energy system in Ukraine, all military bases and warehouses, all airfields, launches missile strikes on the capital of Ukraine and Western cities in Ukraine that are not directly engaged in war on the front line. In other words, Vladimir Putin is waging a large-scale war with Ukraine, for the seizure of its territories, having mobilized the population of Russia twice, but at the same time asks Western countries not to allow Ukraine not only not to wage the same large-scale defensive war against Putin, which Ukraine has every right to do, but also not to fight Putin's advancing occupation forces even within a radius of 300 kilometers from the border of Ukraine. The history of mankind has never seen such military incompetence and cowardice of the Commander-in-Chief. That is, Putin wants him to wage a large-scale war in Ukraine, and Ukraine, which is 17-18 times smaller than Russia, not to wage a defensive war. In such conditions, even the criminal, incompetent and cowardly Mikhail Saakashvili would have won the war with Russia, if Russian peacekeepers and Russian troops had not resisted the unconstitutional offensive of his troops in South Ossetia, if Russian troops had not used military equipment, aircraft and missiles outside the territory of South Ossetia. In those days Putin justified the war with Georgia by the fact that Saakashvili used troops in South Ossetia, and he, what, was supposed to deal with him with a penknife?! Putin justified the air and missile bombing of Georgia by the fact that military infrastructure, military warehouses, airfields, factories working for military needs, etc., were located on the territory of Georgia, therefore their destruction was a military necessity for Russia, which Georgia did not attack. So what has changed in Ukraine now? Nothing! Ukraine has the same military need to destroy Putin's military infrastructure within a 300-kilometer radius of its border, because these military facilities are involved in the war of conquest in Ukraine.
Now, dear citizens, it is time to remember Putin's words that Ukraine does not have the space capabilities to identify military targets within a radius of 300 kilometers on Russian territory. So, in the capitalist world, which Vladimir Putin was striving for in his criminal Talmudic goals, everything is for sale, since this is a world of buying and selling. Both weapons, missiles, and information, including space information, are sold, and this is called legitimate business, and not involvement in a war on the side to which weapons or information are sold. Thus, Ukraine's use of Western-made missiles, at a range of 300 kilometers, and even greater, based on the needs of its defensive military necessity, which, by the way, are already its property, in no way makes the countries that produced these missiles or that sell Ukraine some space information for their use accomplices to this war. Such is the legitimacy of capitalist relations. If Iran, North Korea and China are not participants in the war in Ukraine, then the US and NATO countries cannot be participants either. Therefore, I advise the cowardly and incompetent Vladimir Putin, who is afraid of military resistance from Ukraine, which is 17-18 times smaller and weaker, to either stop the war of conquest in Ukraine and withdraw his occupation troops, or to reduce his cowardly whining, which stinks to the whole world. This pathetic Talmudic coward and patient of the psychiatrist "Freud" said that he could use tactical nuclear missiles against Ukraine, which is 17-18 times smaller, if it wins this war fairly against the Nazi criminal Vladimir Putin with conventional weapons. Well, it's time for Putin to remember the fate of same Nazi madman Adolf Hitler, because it could become Putin's own fate. Putin proposes, and God disposes.
By the way, Vladimir Putin, who is aggressively fighting Ukraine as if he had not grown up in the USSR and does not know what international humanity is, still has options for a humane and fair end to this war, which is shameful for him and Russia:
1) Nationalist option: Putin stops further war in Ukraine, and each side stays with the territories they currently control. And Ukraine joins NATO. This is not a very stable option for solving the existing problems.
2) Putin withdraws his troops from the Donbas, Lugansk and Zaporizhia regions (Autonomous Republics) of Ukraine, keeps Crimea for himself, and agrees with Ukraine that in Donbas, Lugansk and Zaporizhia it will be allowed to have two state languages: Ukrainian and Russian. And Ukraine joins NATO. This is a more stable, but not a full-fledged solution to the existing issue.
3) The humane option: Putin offers Ukraine to join the Union State of Russia and Belarus, and Ukraine will retain all its territories, including Crimea. In this case, Ukraine will not join NATO and Russia will have no claims against it, since nothing threatens it from the territory of Ukraine, even according to the subjective opinion of Talmudist Vladimir Putin.
The options presented are much better than the speculation and blackmail of the elderly President Joe Biden, which Vladimir Putin is currently doing in order to pathetically obtain US assistance in an unfair military victory over Ukraine. This is also good for the young people of Russia, who, due to hunger and lack of money, become contract servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces in order to support their families with blood money, in order to sell their severed arms, legs or even their lives for this blood money. It is a pity to look at these destitute people who disguise their beggarly slavery and forced departure to war in Ukraine with patriotic slogans and chatter about defending the Motherland in the State of Ukraine, without even understanding the meaning of the words patriot and Motherland.
With all of the above, I would like to emphasize that if Putin starts a mentally inadequate war with tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine, he will receive the same response, which could escalate into a global nuclear war (not everyone is mentally stable), as a result of which not even stinking shit will remain of Putin. Therefore, what is the point of Russia waging such a war?! I repeat, all of humanity will be destroyed by a global war, but only the Talmudists will really lose their lives and all of their stolen goods, the rest of humanity (except the Chinese) still has nothing, he has nothing. Many nations, out of despair, have turned to drug addiction, prostitution, crime, they are simply living out their days, so they don't care when they die, which cannot be said about the cowardly Putin and the rest of the Talmudists sitting on our wealth. We must also remember that even a tactical nuclear war will accelerate catastrophic climate change on our planet, not to mention the unsuitability for life of the territories polluted by it, which will accelerate the end of Russians and the rest of humanity. Therefore, I advise the wise Russian people to remove Vladimir Putin, a nationalist, but neither Russian nor Slavic, who has gone mad from the Presidential post. Genetic Slavs and Russians do not and cannot have such Mongolian cheekbones on their faces as Vladimir Putin has. The Talmudic Nazi must know that his criminal, anti-constitutional nationalist ideology will definitely turn against him. The mentally handicapped, uneducated, immoral, lying, fraudulent and cowardly Putin is in power in the Russian Federation only thanks to the slavish spiritual essence and stupidity of the Russian people, robbed by him and his Talmudic political caste. During the time of Joseph Stalin, the Russian people were one of the most just, intelligent, brave, generous, honest, decent, warm, cultured and great nations, and during the time of the Talmudist Putin, they are the most unjust, stupid, cowardly, deceitful, cold, criminal, uncultured, greedy and pathetic people, unfortunately, who are unjustly destroying their brotherly Ukrainian people, according to the insidious Nazi plan of the Kremlin Talmudists.
Professor David Ben Melech (Abaev-Jirkvalidze), a real descendant of the King of Israel David.
Georgia, Gori, September 17, 2024.
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