Her beauty speaks of what we are
And her freedom makes us free
Her now is in eternity
Infinite to all that see
And her dreams have been achieved
Now there is a sound of laughter
Nature signs out her name
For the world to know her fame
Black Orchid, Black Orchid
Why did they criticize
When they knew your love could cast its spell and
consecrate their eyes
Black Orchid, Black Orchid
Why do you linger in space
When you know in every heart that beats
You hold a special place
When you know in every heart that beats
You hold a special place.
Stevie Wonder
soap.natural@mail.ru Состав: натуральная основа (Германия), Масло Аргана (железное дерево) девственное,
...http://orchidclub.wordpress.com/2009/03/11/calypso-orhideea-boreala/ #новости
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