Biblical symbology reveals to us that for God a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day; therefore, in the person and work of the Lord Jesus himself, his reappearance is revealed on the morning of the third day (beginning of the third millennium, 21st century). Sacred Scripture also reveals that the time given to the Church's mission is two days (two thousand years), which end in 2033, since the Church was founded in the year 33.The next facts that will impact the world are:1- The uprising of the world ruler (antichrist). 2- Martyrdom of Christians and the rapture of the Church. 3-The third world war and the greatmassacre of the Jewish nation by Russia. After these three episodes, Christ, THE KING OF JERUSALEM, will descend together with his saints, on the mount of ol!ves, for the implantation of the millennial government (Rev. 19:15). The war and its end will take place according to Zechariah 14: Israel on the brink...Ещё2033 : REST OH FAJR, THERE IS LITTLE LEFT.
Biblical symbology reveals to us that for God a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day; therefore, in the person and work of the Lord Jesus himself, his reappearance is revealed on the morning of the third day (beginning of the third millennium, 21st century). Sacred Scripture also reveals that the time given to the Church's mission is two days (two thousand years), which end in 2033, since the Church was founded in the year 33.The next facts that will impact the world are:1- The uprising of the world ruler (antichrist). 2- Martyrdom of Christians and the rapture of the Church. 3-The third world war and the greatmassacre of the Jewish nation by Russia. After these three episodes, Christ, THE KING OF JERUSALEM, will descend together with his saints, on the mount of ol!ves, for the implantation of the millennial government (Rev. 19:15). The war and its end will take place according to Zechariah 14: Israel on the brink of extermination, and the annihilation of world military forces. Thus will be the second coming of the one who was killed and revived. In this glorious episode many willdie, but others will be preserved on earth. Being the conqueror of all armies, the world comes to belong to Christ, the King of Jerusalem. {Rev. 11:15). Now, we, incorruptib le disciples, for a thousand years, will reorganize planet earth (the only planet with intelligent life). 1- The Judiciary System will be extinguished. 2- Police and armies from all over the world will have new and unique command. 3- Traffics and militias will be extinguished, now Christianity reigns in the scepter of the Gospel. 4- Nobody else will say my door or my house, everything will be from the conqueror of the valley of Armageddon. 5- The Creator of the coronavlrus, will exterminate all pests, automatically sentencing Science to its end. 6- The world speaks one language again (Gen. 11: 1). 7-We will not eat meat, there will beno blood shedIn the personal kingdom of Jesus Christ. 8-AIIpagan temples, catholics, spirftists, assemblies of god, baptists, and movements called evangelicals will be sealed at the disposal of the Great King of Jerusalem, and no spiritual entity will ever be mentioned again. Truth and justice assume their throne over humanity. Soon, after the coronavirus, we will have hunger, pests, plagues, and a class of self-loving politica l leaders who, like leeches, will not get enough of their robberies and murders, taking advantage of catastrophes to get rich, they have until 2033 to settle accounts. The
curriculum of the faculties will undergo changes, and my brothers and I will witness In the Universities, where all the Constitutions will be extinguished, and the Glorious Gospel of the Kingdom will be taught to all people, then the end willcome (Matt. 24:14).
Generation Jesus Christ Pr. Tupirani (last Elijah - Mal. 4).
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В упаковке: 5 шт. конусов.
Вес упаковки: 40 гр.
Размер упаковки - пакета с еврослотом: 200х130х40 мм.
Материал конуса: полимерный пластик.
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Размер одного конуса: 135х32х32 мм.
Страна производитель: Россия
Бренд: "Центролит"
Капельный полив, орошение. Устройство (конус, капельница) капельного полива (орошения) садовых, огородных и комнатных растений. Бренд - "Центролит". Безграничные возможности в одном устройстве.
Капельный полив, орошение. Устройство (конус, капельница) капельного полива (орошения) садовых, огородных и комнатных растений. Бренд - "Центролит". Безграничные возможности в одном устройстве.
Капельный полив, орошение. Устройство (конус, капельница) капельного полива (орошения) садовых, огородных и комнатных растений. Бренд - "Центролит". Безграничные возможности в одном устройстве.
Капельный полив, орошение. Устройство (конус, капельница) капельного полива (орошения) садовых, огородных и комнатных растений. Бренд - "Центролит". Безграничные возможности в одном устройстве.
Комментарии 1
Biblical symbology reveals to us that for God a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day; therefore, in the person and work of the Lord Jesus himself, his reappearance is revealed on the morning of the third day (beginning of the third millennium, 21st century). Sacred Scripture also reveals that the time given to the Church's mission is two days (two thousand years), which end in 2033, since the Church was founded in the year 33.The next facts that will impact the world are:1- The uprising of the world ruler (antichrist). 2- Martyrdom of Christians and the rapture of the Church. 3-The third world war and the greatmassacre of the Jewish nation by Russia. After these three episodes, Christ, THE KING OF JERUSALEM, will descend together with his saints, on the mount of ol!ves, for the implantation of the millennial government (Rev. 19:15). The war and its end will take place according to Zechariah 14: Israel on the brink...Ещё2033 : REST OH FAJR, THERE IS LITTLE LEFT.
Biblical symbology reveals to us that for God a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day; therefore, in the person and work of the Lord Jesus himself, his reappearance is revealed on the morning of the third day (beginning of the third millennium, 21st century). Sacred Scripture also reveals that the time given to the Church's mission is two days (two thousand years), which end in 2033, since the Church was founded in the year 33.The next facts that will impact the world are:1- The uprising of the world ruler (antichrist). 2- Martyrdom of Christians and the rapture of the Church. 3-The third world war and the greatmassacre of the Jewish nation by Russia. After these three episodes, Christ, THE KING OF JERUSALEM, will descend together with his saints, on the mount of ol!ves, for the implantation of the millennial government (Rev. 19:15). The war and its end will take place according to Zechariah 14: Israel on the brink of extermination, and the annihilation of world military forces. Thus will be the second coming of the one who was killed and revived. In this glorious episode many willdie, but others will be preserved on earth. Being the conqueror of all armies, the world comes to belong to Christ, the King of Jerusalem. {Rev. 11:15). Now, we, incorruptib le disciples, for a thousand years, will reorganize planet earth (the only planet with intelligent life). 1- The Judiciary System will be extinguished. 2- Police and armies from all over the world will have new and unique command. 3- Traffics and militias will be extinguished, now Christianity reigns in the scepter of the Gospel. 4- Nobody else will say my door or my house, everything will be from the conqueror of the valley of Armageddon. 5- The Creator of the coronavlrus, will exterminate all pests, automatically sentencing Science to its end. 6- The world speaks one language again (Gen. 11: 1). 7-We will not eat meat, there will beno blood shedIn the personal kingdom of Jesus Christ. 8-AIIpagan temples, catholics, spirftists, assemblies of god, baptists, and movements called evangelicals will be sealed at the disposal of the Great King of Jerusalem, and no spiritual entity will ever be mentioned again. Truth and justice assume their throne over humanity. Soon, after the coronavirus, we will have hunger, pests, plagues, and a class of self-loving politica l leaders who, like leeches, will not get enough of their robberies and murders, taking advantage of catastrophes to get rich, they have until 2033 to settle accounts. The
curriculum of the faculties will undergo changes, and my brothers and I will witness In the Universities, where all the Constitutions will be extinguished, and the Glorious Gospel of the Kingdom will be taught to all people, then the end willcome (Matt. 24:14).
Generation Jesus Christ Pr. Tupirani (last Elijah - Mal. 4).