Our pro account can be found here https://www.flickr.com/photos/ukrainewarphotos/ we connected 3 channels: trusted sources, army and ukraine news in UA. If you want to help keeping such pro account active you can https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=KVV5LSE2J7HEQ or directly in Flickr. In this case we would open another test account. We would quit it after 1 month, to see what happens.
We think there will be around 2-3k photos pro day, but keep in mind that some are duplications because we use 3 channels and in some channels we forward messages from other Telegram channels. So if they upload same images, we got same images too. We still are of the idea "better a duplication instead of having nothing".
#russia #russian #army #military #ukraine #ukrainian #war #worldwar #ww3 #ww #ucraina #russland #russia #militare #guerra #krieg #війни #война #guerre #ukraine #украина #ucrania #україна #Rusia #Росія #Россия #Russie
#россия #русский #украинский #украина #война #вторжение
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