her family had all been sent to the camps, were they alive, she had no way of knowing, yet still she fought on against the injustices of evil, an evil that had stagnated and permeated throughout the whole world as she knew it.....we were just coming to the end, the film crew and the cast, who were seeing this movie for the first time, alongside the agencies who would be buying and distributing the show, were all in tears, lost, deep in the despondence and sorrow that the movie had taken them too.....when on walks this bloody airbrush robot to touch up her nose, I mean come on, how did this slip through bloody editing, the most poignant moment of the whole movie, where she herself is being dragged off to the camps, to what end we don't know...and a bloody airbrush robot spoils it, we lost the whole atmosphere with one foul swoop...I Know they are not living things, but I'm sure, yes I am really sure that he looked at the camera as if he knew he shouldn't have been there, well by this time everybody is having fits of hysterical laughter.....except the editing crew, they were already slinking along the wall to the closest emergency exit.......the climax of the movie ruined, not just for me, for everyone, now I know you'll be saying, well they can just edit it out, but the point remains that all who saw that in the movie that day will remember the moment for life, when they are talking about the movie, it won't be the depths of despair the movie took them too, it will that bloody airbrush robot walking on in the final cut....Aaaaarrrggggh if only I could kill a robot, I would have had him slowly tortured over an electrical surge and then thrown into a vat of ice cold water....still connected.....all that hard work, destroyed by a touch up of a nose....Siiiiiiigh!!!!!....Technology huh!!!!
WB: Cryo64 Exodo by Dario Arnaez
Rainlendar: Fools Gold by 20f3
Objectdock Backgrounds: Middle & Side are Rogue Proton Gold Tiled by Messiah1; Side is Light Mark Tabbed by Mirsguy
Objectdock Icons: Cryo64 Exodo2 by Dario Arnaez
Widgets: Simple CPU Dualcore History Meters; Stealth CPU Meter by Buzzh58; Kayanite Text Clock by our beautiful M'Lady...Fairry; Aero Midnight Weather by Sir Bilbo
DesktopX Objects: VS Levit 3G Dark Robot Harddrive Object & VS Levit Harddrive Objects by the ever masterful Dario Arnaez
Winstep Extreme: Atmospherica by JC Rabbit
Nexus Backgrounds: KTEK4D Tiles by Sir Tiggz
Nexus Icons: Misture of Atmospherica & Cryo64 Exodo2 Icons
Wallpaper: neo steam the shattered continent, it is an awesome wall full of magnificent detail, truly staggeringly beautiful, the wall can be found here. http://lost.webs.pm/page7.html
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