You may be heading to college, beginning your career, or are newly married and you are setting up house in a rental property and you have personal belongings to protect. Did you know that renters insurance can protect you against the loss of your personal items? Renters insurance may protect you in the event of fire and smoke damage, theft, vandalism, damage from windstorms and hail, damage from explosions, water damage from plumbing problems and many other hazards.
Your landlord may be sympathetic about a burglary or fire loss but they have no responsibility to pay to replace your personal property. For that you do need renters insurance .Perhaps you think your belongings are not worth much. Think again. You probably own a great deal more than you think┠ furniture, clothing, stereo, television, computer, books, jewelry, sports equipment, pots and pans, dishes. Replacement costs for everything could be pretty significant.
Renters insurance provides financial protection against the loss or destruction of your possessions when you rent a house or apartment. Also, it could cover your additional
living expenses if you are unable to live in your apartment because of a fire. And just like homeowners insurance, renters insurance also covers you in the event a visitor is injured at your home. Did you know that most renters insurance costs less than $12 a month? Also, most renters insurance allows you to pay your premium monthly or annually. Thinking about traveling? Renters insurance may protect against lost or stolen property while traveling, too. If the airline loses your luggage, you can be sure that you are covered.
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