9000+ code Fugo Japanese balloons 1944-45 were sent to USA East Coast from Japanise submarines, they did not have any NAVIGATION. More then 20 Japanise submarines were blown under water.
1. Forest fires were from Canada to Mexico.
2. 5 children in Oregon died of explosion - they found baby dolls.
3. Accidentally Bombs got tangled in power lines of 1st USA enrichment plant Hanford, WA. If cooling system been off for a long time, reactor might have exploded, killing a lot at plant and releasing poison gas.
US Dept of State opened braches in US cities - 1st time in US history. In my City this former USPS building has 7 floors on top and 10 floors under asfalt. Officially large US cities today spend over 50% of it's own budgets on Behavioral Health. Do US Gov expect or did not expect irreversable condition to occur ? "End of the World hollyday, if one use Static or Dynamic fields, can't happend in Closed End Systems" James Clerk Maxwell
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