What danger does this political duo pose to the peoples of the United States of America, the Russian Federation, the post-Soviet space, and all of humanity?
Dear citizens of our planet, the United States of America and the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, as is known, are Talmudic worshipers of the “golden calf”, that is, they are worshipers of gold, jewelry, money, property. The object of their worship: the passion for profit, greed, wealth, power - for them this is in first place in their unreasonable aggressive Talmudic life, everything else is in second, third, etc. place, including humanity, morality, justice and legality. Even Moses (Musa), who, together with God, tried to spiritually and culturally elevate the way of life of a rational and conscious person above the wild way of life of the world of beasts and animals, spoke out against the immoral and lawless criminal essence of the "worshippers of the golden calf" in ancient times. This is eloquently stated in the Holy Scripture (in the Torah and the Prophets /in the Taurat/). The unreasonable greed of the worshipers of the golden calf, who violated the moral and cultural commandments of God, was identified in ancient times with the worship of Moloch (of Milhom). This pagan satanic cult was worshiped by beast-like people who hunted other people in order to seize their property and enslave them, they even sacrificed their own children to their bloodthirsty cult, not to mention others. And all this savagery was connected with selfish gain (capture), fortune telling, witchcraft, and other pagan brutal impulsive abominations. It is noteworthy that in almost all countries of the world, Talmudists for many centuries were accused of kidnapping children and using children's blood in their obscurantist satanic rituals and even in cooking. Even I remember well in my childhood how during the Talmudic holidays all mothers closely watched their children, some even did not let them out of the house, so as not to lose them. This was the attitude of all the peoples of Georgia to the Talmudists, whom they called not Jews, but Uriahs, that is, Chaldeans, natives of Ur, where in ancient times they practiced such sacrifices. I especially emphasize that the Jews settled in ancient Iberia (modern Georgia) from ancient Israel, Judea, or the Assyrian kingdom, but not from the city of Ur in the Chaldean kingdom.
The worshippers of the golden calf (gold, money, jewelry, property, land, economic power) finally formed their greedy and bestial predatory worldview in the book of Talmud, and defined their potential victims in it, illogically and groundlessly calling them Goyim. Why was this groundless? Because the Talmudists themselves - the worshipers of the golden calf - have led and continue to lead the Goyish immoral and lawless way of life of hunting for animals and people. Despite this reality, all the nations on our planet, even the descendants of Abraham and Jacob (Yakub), and all of humanity have become potential victims of the Talmudists. In other words, the Talmudists are a deadly satanic virus against all of humanity, they are a conscious enemys of the conscious inhabitants of the human genus on our planet.
At the beginning of our era and in the Middle Ages, the Talmudists carried out such anti-human activities in a veiled manner, through their secret Masonic Christian organization, which, like a chameleon, penetrated all elite, religious and political societies and structures in one country or another. However, speaking on behalf of these societies, the Talmudists practically realized their own criminal Talmudic goals, namely Talmudic ones, and not the officially existing worldview and interests of those societies and political structures that they penetrated and which they supposedly began to represent. After the era of bourgeois revolutions in Europe, from the 16th to the 19th and early 20th centuries, and also after the end of World War II and the counter-revolutionary coup d'état carried out by the Talmudists in the USSR, since 1953, in the Soviet Union and in many countries of the Western world, the Masonic Talmudic political caste began to monopoly control and officially the governance of these states, in one political form or another. At the same time, this caste of gold lovers did not change its past habits and traditions, that is, it realized its caste Talmudic goals, and not those goals that were outlined by the political programs of the parties, of which the Masonic Talmudists were formally members. One of the first striking examples of such illogical political practice occurred in Georgia, under the rule of Noe Zhordania. Formally, he was a supporter, first of the Communist Party, its Menshevik nationalist wing, and then of the Social Democratic Party of Georgia, which, by the essence of its political worldview, was supposed to express and satisfy the vital interests of the peoples of Georgia, the voters. However, since Zhordania was a member of the Kutaisi Masonic Lodge, he was guided by the goals of the Talmud, and not by the programmatic guidelines of the Communist or Social Democratic Party. That is why, after the overthrow of the Russian Tsarist dictatorship, Noe Zhordania did not give the land to the Georgian and other peoples of Georgia, which is why uprisings against his power began throughout Georgia, from Dusheti to Poti, which Zhordania cruelly drowned in blood. Moreover, the nationalism that he officially promoted as a flag for achieving his hidden Talmudic goals, Zhordania, naturally, used as a tacit systemic nationalism of the Talmudic political caste towards all the peoples of Georgia. But, so that this was not clearly visible, he, formally, on behalf of the Georgian people, in 1920 committed genocide and ethnic cleansing of the Ossetian people in Georgia (in South Ossetia). The Ossetian people were able to return to Georgia (South Ossetia), the homeland of their ancestors, only in 1921, when the Georgian communists, Joseph Dzhugashvili and Sergo Ordzhonikidze, at the numerous requests of the Georgian people, inflicted a crushing military defeat on the Masonic Menshevik troops of Noe Zhordania - the Talmudic enemy of the Georgian people and the other peoples of Georgia.
Dear citizens, why did I remember these old events of the beginning of the 20th century?! Because perestroika in the Soviet Union began in the late 80s also by the Talmudic political caste, not with the goal of transitioning to market capitalist legal relations and establishing equal democracy, which these "perestroika people" officially, but formally, spoke about, but with the goal of realizing their own Talmudic predatory and enslaving goals against the peoples of the Soviet Union, as well as other peoples on our planet. This is the policy that the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin continues to pursue, and that is why the entire economic and natural potential of all the wealth of the Russian Federation, as well as other post-Soviet countries, ended up in the hands of only Talmudists, who do not even make up 1% of the entire population of these countries. But only they, the Talmudists, are billionaires by administrative methods. Why and how?! Because they illegally and criminally use the entire unconstitutional state system, all the resources of the country, only in their Talmudic interests, without taking into account the interests of the peoples of the country, whom they consider Goyim. It is this common Talmudic interest that underlies the friendship of billionaire Donald Trump with the Talmudic billionaires of Russia, including Vladimir Putin. Moreover, it is precisely because of such a narrow Talmudic interest that Donald Trump has already lie down under Vladimir Putin, even before he was elected President of the United States for a second term. An honest and worthy President or candidate for the US President would certainly not lie down under Putin. Donald Trump can object to me, saying that Putin is ahead of the US in hypersonic nuclear potential, that is why Trump is afraid of him, that is why his knees are shaking. Here is my competent and honest answer to Donald Trump:
1). Why is Putin ahead of the US in this type of weapons? Why did Putin improve this type of weapons, why did he create a powerful missile defense, during the time of US President Donald Trump, and Donald Trump did not do this? Why did Donald Trump not care about the security of the US, Americans and his NATO allies? Donald Trump is a traitor to the US and democracy?!
2). When Vladimir Putin wanted started the war in eastern Ukraine, he, knowing about his nuclear superiority, directly told NATO countries, including the United States, not to accept Ukraine and Georgia into NATO, and then there would not have been this war. Therefore, if the leaders of NATO countries were so afraid of Putin’s nuclear superiority over them, then they should not have gotten involved in the war in Ukraine, they should not have contributed to the senseless destruction of the peoples, villages and cities of Ukraine. But we all know that Zelensky's defensive war with Putin had bipartisan support in the United States, that is, Donald Trump initially also supported the conduct of this war. Moreover, it is unclear why NATO countries supply Ukraine with weapons, missiles, aircraft, but forbid their use in the war with Putin against military facilities on Russian territory, when such a military necessity really exists? At the moment, Ukraine is losing the war not because Putin is winning it, but because NATO countries do not allow the use of their weapons in the war with Russia. In other words, the West facilitates the mass destruction of Ukrainian soldiers and officers, the destruction of military equipment in this war, and then shrugs, saying that Ukraine no longer has sufficient resources to wage war with Russia. Where is the logic?!
3). The question arises, what to do? If NATO countries are not sure that the number of US hypersonic missiles is comparable to Putin's similar missiles, then they should not get involved in a nuclear war with Putin, which he is unlikely to start even on a local scale. Why? Because in this case, the territories of Ukraine, Belarus, and eastern Russia will no longer be suitable for human life, so there is no point for the Talmudists of Russia in waging such a war. Thus, a worthy US President must catch up and surpass Vladimir Putin in the quality and quantity of hypersonic nuclear weapons and air defense systems, and not couch under him like a street whore.
So what is Donald Trump doing? Donald illogically justifies Putin's political and military criminality in all matters, because he also wants to Talmudically profit together with him, without taking into account the rights and freedoms of the peoples of Russia, Ukraine, the United States, and the rest of the world. Therefore, when Donald Trump tells US voters that he allegedly wants to return greatness and prosperity to America, to Americans, he is 100% lying. Donald Trump wants greatness only for the Talmudists, who are no more than 1% in any country in the world, including the US, but Trump, together with Putin, wants them to reign satanically on Earth, and all the other peoples of our planet to be their servants and slaves, such a goal is outlined in their Talmud. Please note that Donald Trump is now also artificially inciting nationalist hostility between the citizens of the United States and Mexico, just as the Talmudic fascist Noe Zhordania once incited hostility between the Georgian and Ossetian populations of Georgia. However, the Talmudic goals of Zhordania and Trump, as well as Putin, who is inciting nationalist confrontation in the post-Soviet space and in Europe, are the same. This is the enrichment of the Talmudic political caste even at the expense of state military orders and the shedding of blood of "goy" peoples. In Ukraine, Putin is not waging a war to ensure Russia's geopolitical security, he is fighting only for the brutal animal seizure of Ukraine's natural resources, which bring big money to the Talmudics in heavy industry, and this economic potential of Ukraine is located in its eastern territories of Donbass and Lugansk. Crimea is an open gate for maritime trade, which also enriches the Talmudists, which is why Putin took it away from Ukraine in a hooligan manner, and not even because of a schizophrenic desire to glorify Russia, which the Talmudists really don’t care about. The life of Russians is not improving because the Talmudists of Russia are getting rich, on the contrary, Russians are being destroyed in this process, they no longer have social and civil security. We all also remember how last year Putin's troops destroyed Ukraine's grain reserves precisely in order to remove their grain competitor from the international market.
With all of the above, dear citizens, I will remind you that after the First World War, the talented Soviet and Chechen General Dzhokhar Dudayev and the Chechen people under his leadership won the first real military victory over the unjust Talmudic Russia. At that time, Boris Yeltsin, together with Vladimir Putin, helplessly recognized the independence of Ichkeria (Chechnya). However, since the Talmudists of Russia could not win the war against Dzhokhar Dudayev, who brilliantly used the mountainous terrain of the Caucasus for his victory, they took advantage of the Talmudic inhuman meanness and secretly planned an entire military operation against just one person - General Dzhokhar Dudayev. Such military incompetence, cowardice and meanness are not usually practiced by people, it is in the order of things only for Talmudists, who ideologically have long ago rejected humanity, therefore snake and jackal methods are in the order of things for them. Thus, they, like jackals, secretly killed a worthy man Dzhokhar Dudayev with a ballistic missile - just one person who stood above them in his human qualities! It is well known that wars are won by smart Commanders-in-Chief of the troops, therefore, when the Chechen people were deprived of their fair and talented Commander-in-Chief, it was easy to provoke the new President of Chechnya Aslan Maskhadov to a military adventure in Dagestan. After that, Putin, using powerful military equipment, aviation and missile forces, which the Chechen people did not have, won a victory over Chechnya, and greedily seized Chechen oil. I am very sorry that after this, the heroic Chechen soldiers developed Stockholm syndrome in relation to the aggressor Putin, that is, they, men, fell in love with their rapist and conqueror, also a man, and ended up in his Dadzhalev army, which worships not God, but the sinful man Jesus. And this is unnatural for the Caucasians, for the descendants of Abraham and Jacob (Yaakub), part of whom has been assimilated into the Chechen people, unless their generals and other leaders are also Talmudists. It is noteworthy that the lying Vladimir Putin places all the blame for the collapse of the USSR and the war with Chechnya not on the greedy and unjust Talmudists of Russia, but on abstract Western countries, supposedly they want to divide the Russians. So, so that his rusty mechanisms do not repeat this lie again, I officially declare that everything that I reasonably state regarding Talmudic Russia, I state precisely by myself, a citizen of the USSR and Georgia, and not by the West, as the mentally inadequate Talmudists of Russia, headed by Putin, rave about. Moreover, Putin himself has long ago divided Russians, when he elevated only Talmudists to the rank of billionaires by administrative methods, and Talmudically defined the function of their servants and slaves for all other peoples of Russia. The natural struggle of peoples against social and civil injustice has been a lever of progress and civilization in the history of peoples and humanity, and it will remain so.
With all this, it should be especially noted that, unlike Putin, other famous Nazi fascists, such as Noe Zhordania, Zviad Gamsakhurdia, did not rise to Nazism (nationalism), even Adolf Hitler, to some extent, was be engaged in ethnic Nazism and fascism. Ethnic fascism also took place in Ukraine. Vladimir Putin is the first real fascist Vlasov Nazi on our planet, who rose above ethnicity and united all the peoples of the Russian Federation in a Nazi (nationalist) war, so far against the former fraternal peoples of Russia, and then the area of their activity will expand. Putin's subjective criteria justify lawless and immoral brutality beast against other brutal beast criminals. But for me, as a person, a beast remains a beast, regardless of whose supporter he is, what worldview he has, if he lives outside of morality, outside of justice, and outside of the law.
Recently, there has been a lot of talk in the US about censorship, which was allegedly established only by the Democrats from the White House. In reality, the official worldview of the Democrats prohibits any censorship, prohibits the restriction of the constitutional freedom of expression of speech and thought. In Russia, censorship is prohibited even by the Constitution, but lying, fraudulent and criminal Talmudists have deleted my well-founded and honest publications on the website "Mir Tesen - The World Is Small". Therefore, it is not the Democrats who are censoring, but the Talmudic Masons who have purposefully infiltrated the Democratic Party and are using it to achieve their Talmudic obscurantist goals. And the most interesting thing is that Donald Trump not only agrees with this, but he himself is doing the same thing. Therefore, need to get rid of the Talmudists in the Democratic and Republican parties, and not vilify them as parties. I remember well the censorship on Facebook and during Donald Trump's time as the Republican President of the United States. At that time, a Russian citizen, a certain Liza Shuvalova, helped him come to power. She was an honest citizen and wanted a real establishment of a legal democracy. As a result, her profile was simply deleted when Donald Trump became the President of the United States, in order to limit her constitutional right to freedom of speech and thought.
Recently, the owner of the Twitter website, a certain Elon Musk, also stated that the US Democrats are allegedly establishing censorship. At the same time, I know for sure that censorship has also been established by Elon Musk himself on his Twitter website. It is known that, on this website, a person has the right to have a free basic profile. However, if this person tells the truth that Elon Musk or his Moscow clients (customer) do not like, then he blocks this person's profile and demands that he switch to a paid profile, while the user has the right to use the basic free profile, and not the paid one. Censorship also occurs when the Administration of a particular group on the Internet does not publish or deletes publications for its own subjective ideological reasons. Here it is the unfair logic of the fans of the "golden calf"! They fight not against censorship as such, but against censorship that is not in their own interests, but they themselves, with Talmudic pleasure, establish their own censorship. This is objective reality!
The US Democratic Party is good not because it was run by Joe Biden or Jimmy Carter, with some of whose decisions I also did not agree, but because democracy gives the right and free opportunity to have a variety of opinions in society, in the state, including a different opinion than Joe Biden or Jimmy Carter. And from all the existing diverse opinions, the most correct and acceptable for the majority of the population, which makes its legal choice already at the elections, is objectively revealed.
And who is Donald Trump and what does he want?! All his life, like a true Talmudist, he greedily enriched himself in order to have for money what he would never have had by his human qualities. During the Soviet Union, a Soviet film director was filming his feature film in the United States, and one of the scenes was to be shot in Donald Trump's restaurant. Donald Trump, naturally, allowed the filming, but asked the director to film him, Donald, in some cameo role. To this the Soviet film director replied that talented people, honored and people's artists, were starring in his film, next to whom Donald Trump was a nobody, a boor and a talentless person. Therefore, he refused to cast him in this film. And indeed, everyone who watches Donald Trump's election campaign sees him on the podium, making funny faces like a monkey, mimicking Joe Biden and Kamala Harris like a parrot, cursing like a cobbler. And if he gets applause, he starts dancing and spinning like a street idiot, twirling his plump arms bent at the elbow near his head. In Georgia, when I was a little boy, in the city of Gori there lived a certain Shala, at whom the grown-up boys always laughed. As soon as they started clapped their hands, this Shala would start dancing. Then the boys would speed up the tempo of clapping their hands and say: "Crank up the heat, Shala" - "მოუმატე შალა", and Shala would also speed up the dance, spinning like a peg-top. Unfortunately, Donald Trump is like two peas in a pod with this Shalu, including mentally, but it is not this similarity that is surprising, but the fact that such people are running for the post of President of the state.
I will say a few words, from a scientific point of view, about the origin of the democratic candidate for the post of President of the USA Kamala Harris, since the enemies of democracy in the USA have actively started talking about it. So, the genetics of a female child, a girl, a woman, is formed only from the female genetics of her maternal and paternal lines. By the way, it is for this reason that if a mentally degraded man artificially changes his gender, he still cannot change his male genetics, so he will always be stronger than women. Thus, it is immoral and unfair to allow such degraded men into women's sports, especially at the Olympic Games. As for the candidate for the post of the President of the USA Kamala Harris, since in her female genetic ancestors there were representatives of different races: Indians, blacks, whites, - then she is a collective image of the expression of all these ancestors and the corresponding peoples. She is each of them, such is the genetic scientific point of view. Besides, Kamala Harris is a much better candidate for the office of the President of the United States than the Talmudic worshiper of the "golden calf" Donald Trump, who criticizes the humanity expressed by Kamala Harris, falsely and baselessly calling it communism. A liar is not fit for any office, he is a danger. And if Kamala Haris departs from the Talmudists and begins to govern the United States of America based only on the Constitution of this country, then she will bring great benefit to both Americans and all of humanity. By the way, if Joe Biden and Donald Trump did not financially and with weapons support the Talmudists of Israel against the Arab people of Palestine, then Talmudist Vladimir Putin would have done so, which would have spoiled the relations of Talmudic Russia with Muslim and Arab countries.
P.S. Dear citizens, yesterday, September 5, 2024, the US Representative officially stated, regarding granting Ukraine the right to use long-range missiles against military targets on the territory of Russia that are directly involved in the war in Ukraine, - that Russian military aircraft that launch missiles by goals in Ukraine are deployed further than 300 kilometers from the border of Ukraine. Therefore, they say, it is pointless to grant Ukraine such rights. Let us now competently consider this issue, is it really pointless, or is the US representative still mistaken?! No war has ever been won by aviation alone. Aviation merely prepares a bridgehead for the offensive of ground forces and the corresponding military equipment (artillery, tank forces) of their country, which wage a direct war on the ground to capture enemy villages and cities, to destroy the enemy's armed forces. So, all of Putin's military warehouses, which supply his troops in Ukraine with ammunition, fuel, food, repair of damaged equipment, etc., are located within 300 kilometers of the Ukrainian border. Therefore, if Ukraine, by means of long-range missiles, can stop supplying Putin's army with the ability to wage war, then Putin's air force's missile strikes on Ukraine will become meaningless, since there will be no one to conquer Ukrainian territory on the ground. That is why I doubt that US military generals do not understand this. And if they understand this, then the refusal to grant Ukraine the right to use long-range missiles to strike military depots located within 300 kilometers from the border of Ukraine can only be explained by the following reasons:
1). The US may not be afraid of a nuclear war with Putin only if his hypersonic nuclear potential and air defense systems are equal to or will superior in quantity to Russia's, including in Europe. In that case, a nuclear war will simply never happen between these countries, no matter what the results of a conventional war are. Why? Because the military courage of the Talmudists of Russia, Putin, and even Georgia, for example Saakashvili, is like that of a jackal. They do not fight with those who have equal or superior strength. They fight only with those who are smaller in numbers, in a military sense, and who are worse armed than they are. Therefore, if the US Administration is not everything is okay well with hypersonic missiles to protect NATO countries in Europe, it may fear a local nuclear conflict with Putin in Europe. Although Putin himself also does not need such a war, since after it he will not be able to use the territories of Eastern Russia, Ukraine and Belarus for his dishonest enrichment.
2). Or, the US Administration wants to reach an agreement with the Talmudist Vladimir Putin on something not entirely honest, and does not want Ukraine to achieve a real victory over Russia.
Professor David Ben Melech (Abaev-Jirkvalidze), a real descendant of the King of Israel David.
Georgia, Gori, September 3, 2024.
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