They must be carried out so that the unconstitutional system of public administration does not become the cause of the destruction of climatic conditions of the possibilities of human existence on Earth, and humanity as a whole, including through weapons of mass destruction. Read about this in four small parts of this publication.
Why is it necessary to carry out reforms of the public administration system not only in countries that are authoritarian, such as the Russian Federation, or in countries that are candidates for joining the European Union, but also in the EU countries themselves, and especially in the United States of America, so that they can have a real, crisis-free, legal and civilized democracy?! A frank, reasoned, objective and honest justification of this urgent reality. This necessity arose because the anti-constitutional system of Talmudic non-legal state governance, both in its authoritarian and democratic forms, already poses a threat not only to the peaceful and prosperous existence of man and nation within the framework of a certain state, but it threatens and provokes the destruction of all humanity.
Part 1. Public administration of authoritarian countries.
Dear citizens of our planet, everyone has long known that the communist idea of creating an equal, fair, socially protected, economically developed, peace-loving and civilized state objectively arose in the Center of Europe (Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels), since wild feudal relations, as well as wild capitalism, not only socially enslaved and destroyed citizens and peoples, but they entered a chronic phase of economic crisis, which was temporarily overcome by waging permanent wars. However, since at that time there were no weapons of mass destruction that could also destroy the ecological safety of our planet for humanity, our world endured the existence of such savagery. The practical construction of such a communist state, based on the moral code of the builder of communism (which in turn was based on the 10 moral Commandments of God, set out in the Holy Scripture, and not on their destruction, as in Christianity and Christian Talmudism), was taken upon themselves in 1917, in the backward and obscurantist Russian Empire, by Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin), Leon Trotsky and Joseph Jugashvili (Stalin). They overthrew the inhuman dictatorship of the Russian Monarchy, overthrew the Tsar (king), the servant of satanic despotism and dictatorship, gave independence from the Russian Empire to Finland, Poland, Transcaucasia, with the condition that these states would have democratic development, in which human and civil rights would be taken into account, the vital interests of the peoples would be taken into account. However, since Talmudic Nazis came to power in the Transcaucasian countries (in Georgia), who not only did not give the land to the people, but even suppressed just popular uprisings in blood, and in South Ossetia they carried out ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Ossetian population, Joseph Stalin and Sergo Ordzhonikidze, at the request of the peoples of Transcaucasia (South Caucasus), accused these Nazi authorities of violating the concluded agreement and overthrew them from state power. After that, they created an equal Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, with equal governance, and not Russia occupied Georgia or other Union countries, as the Talmudic descendants of criminals now lie about. Moreover, for 30 years, the Soviet Union was led by Georgians, who were replaced by Talmudists in 1953, not Russians. Before that, in Russia itself and in the USSR, Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin declared the dictatorship of the proletariat, which lasted until 1936. At that time, the supporter of Talmudism Leon Trotsky, who used the idea of communism not to establish equality, but to subordinate all citizens and peoples of the USSR to the Talmudists, was actively engaged in repression. However, in 1936, Joseph Stalin was able to adopt a new Constitution, in which he abolished the dictatorship of the proletariat and declared the creation of an equal, fair and legal state of the whole people. This Constitution was one of the most civilized Constitutions on our planet, since civilization is, first of all, cultural relations between people and nations, and not only scientific and technical progress. The Trotskyists, using proletarian democracy, began to engage in sabotage and practical wrecking, they robbed the state budget, industrial and agricultural enterprises and entire industries, because of which they were fairly and legally imprisoned, which the criminal Talmudists later falsely called repressions. Times were hard, the Russian Empire was one of the most economically backward countries in the world, and the new Soviet Union found itself under sanctions from the capitalist world, which was afraid of competition. Despite this, the young country, in a short time, was able to industrialize, electrify, meliorate, and mechanize, and by 1938 it had become one of the most developed countries in the world. And given the revival of aggressive Nazism in Europe, the Soviet Union politically wisely maneuvered, trying to ensure its security. As a result, the USSR, with the economic and military support of the United States and England, won a convincing victory over Hitler's fascism, which had an aggressive coalition of different countries. After the end of World War II, Joseph Stalin saw that the Talmudists in the Soviet Union's state administration were trying to create a caste political power, neglecting democratic elections. He also saw the need for a planned economy to be combined with the realities of a market economy at the international level, which did not please the Talmudists in power, who were striving for an authoritarian monopoly according to the Talmud. However, Joseph Stalin's ideas were later implemented by China, which became the most economically developed and peace-loving country in our time. The moral foundations of the Soviet Union, both within the state and in international relations, were also used as a reference by the countries of Europe and America, which is why they created the Declaration of Human and Civil Rights, the United Nations. But in the 1950s, the Talmudists removed Joseph Stalin from the state power of the USSR, and later shamelessly, groundlessly, groundlessly and satanically slandered him, who had saved them by the millions from the fascist concentration camps. Why did they do this? Because Stalin asserted equality, social security, a real electoral system, guaranteed powerful economic development, which had never been seen before in the world. And all this contradicted the discriminatory and criminal principles of the Talmud in relation to other citizens and nations, so the Talmudists turned the Soviet Union into an authoritarian Talmudic state. By the way, my father was also imprisoned, during the time of Joseph Stalin, for a certain offense, but because of this my psyche did not waver, I did not become a lying and criminal Talmudist, and I did not become a violator of the Commandments of God, I did not begin to satanically slander Stalin.
Dear citizens, American professor, PhD Grover Furr, having thoroughly studied the essence of the "exposures" of the lying, fraudulent and criminal Nikita Khrushchev, wrote in his book "Anti-Stalinist meanness" in 2007: "Of all the statements in Khrushchev's "closed report" that directly "expose" Stalin or Beria, not a single one turned out to be true. More precisely: among all those that can be verified, every single one turned out to be false (the rest was the fruit of Khrushchev's own mentally ill fantasy). As it turns out, in his speech Khrushchev did not say anything about Stalin and Beria that turned out to be true. The entire "closed report" is woven entirely from such fabrications." The same professor Grover Furr, in an interview in 2008, said: "Stalin shared Lenin's views on representative democracy and sought to root its principles in the state structure of the USSR. Stalin led the struggle for the democratization of Soviet society, a struggle that was at the very heart of the political processes taking place in the USSR in the 1930s - 1950s. Their essence was that the role of the Communist Party in governing the state would be narrowed to "normal" (as in other countries) limits, and the nomination of state administrators would take place not on party lists, but on the basis of democratic procedures." Incidentally, in modern Georgia, the nomination of Talmudic state administrators took place precisely on party lists. In the 50s, Talmudists in the highest state power of the USSR organized themselves into a party caste nomenclature, which placed its caste party above the Constitution of the country and above all law enforcement institutions, which were subordinated to the party. But the Talmudists at that time did not touch the moral relations between the citizens and peoples of the Soviet Union, did not touch their personal property, did not limit their life opportunities, maintained social security, free education, medical care, free housing, the right to work, therefore the relations in the Soviet Union between people and peoples were the most benevolent and civilized on the entire planet. In the literal sense, no one oppressed the peoples of the USSR. They were the freest because they had the material opportunity to realize their freedom. 99% of the population of the USSR had all the opportunities in life, and 1% of the Talmudic political caste lived very richly. In democratic countries, people needed wealth to achieve freedom, but in the USSR, freedom was guaranteed by social security and material wealth. People had the opportunity to freely travel around the entire USSR, and after perestroika, the overwhelming majority cannot even go to the capital of their country. What kind of freedom can we talk about in this case?! About the freedom of citizens and the nation - no, definitely. And who then is given freedom, whose freedom is being spoken about? Only about the freedom of the Talmudic political caste, which, in the role of an organized political criminal group in state power, robbed and plundered the majority of citizens of the country, the nation, the state. And in Khrushchev's times, the Talmudic political caste in state administration already had the right to appoint and dismiss the Chairman of the Supreme Court, the Prosecutor General, the Minister of Internal Affairs, the Chairman of the Supreme Council (Parliament), therefore, both personal and systemic criminal offenses of the Highest organs of Talmudic political power of the USSR were not investigated or condemned by anyone. This gave rise to the Talmudic mafia and its impunity, the union of state authorities and economic entities that created the shadow economy, etc., etc. The Talmudists in the USSR managed to create an unnatural economic crisis inside out, this is underproduction of goods, which was a systemic criminal offense. It was on these grounds that the restructuring of the socialist state system in the USSR took place in favor of a capitalist one, in which the targeted political crime of the Talmudic caste was falsely presented as the failure, insolvency of socialism, which not only flourished in China, but also outpaced the economic development of many capitalist countries of the world. It is on these Talmudic, unfounded, but bestial grounds that Russian President Vladimir Putin is now committing robbery at the international level. Vladimir Putin, who, together with Boris Yeltsin, destroyed the Soviet Union himself, for obvious wolfish reasons, is not going to restore it, as US Congressman Joe Wilson lies about. Vladimir Putin wants to restore the obscurantist autocratic Russian empire, in which oppression of man and nations flourished, but this time the oppressors and invaders must be Talmudists. And this is not the same thing, it is much worse. In other words, 1% of the Talmudic party caste criminally received all the economic and natural resources of the Soviet Union, and 99% of the population lost all their human and civil rights, equality and life opportunities. As we see, it is the Talmudic unconstitutional, illegal state governance that is the cause of the oppression of the peoples of Russia and other post-Soviet countries, as well as the cause of creating great dangers for other states in the international arena.
Part 2. Public administration of democratic countries.
Now let us briefly consider the government system of democratic countries. In a democratic government system, elections to government are conducted fairly, unlike in the authoritarian Talmudic government. However, candidates who are proposed for election to the highest government positions are also proposed by Talmudic political parties in democratic countries, just as in authoritarian states. Based on the results of the 2024 US Presidential election, as well as the actions of the US Attorney who led the criminal case against Donald Trump, we clearly see that the Talmudic political caste of the Supreme State Authority in democratic countries, just like in autocratic countries, stands above the Constitution, law enforcement agencies and the rule of law. That is why the US Attorney closed all criminal cases, disregarding the rule of law, and many US citizens left their country for a while Donald Trump's presidency. And Donald Trump's own statements regarding the possibility of using military force against the territories of other countries: Greenland and the Panama Canal, show the similarity of his Talmudic thinking with the predatory Talmudic thinking of Russian President Vladimir Putin. At the same time, many US citizens are drug addicts, homeless, and involved in criminal business. How does Talmudism differ from Constitutionalism? Constitutionalism guarantees the observance of all human and civil rights, the satisfaction of his legitimate interests, while Talmudism grants such rights only to Talmudists, and ignores all other citizens. That is why the biggest mistake of the Americans was the admission of the asocial person Elon Musk into US politics, who in Germany is already calling for support for the right-wing Nazis. Thus, my good advice to the Americans, count Elon Musk's money, how much it has grown since the beginning of Russia's war in Ukraine. You will find that the growth of his wealth occurred also at the expense of Russian money under the cover of European or American companies. Elon Musk already has 400 billion dollars, that is, he can freely realize the rest of his life in benevolent and peaceful forms, but he, as an insatiable subject, gets into politics to make it destructive, brutal, predatory, inhuman, openly Talmudic. Where does he need more, will he take that kind of money with him to the grave if he is mentally healthy? Of course not! It is not difficult to become a billionaire, much easier than to become a qualified specialist in any field. In order to become a billionaire, you just need to lose your conscience, honor, humanity, become like a beast, sell your soul to the devil, lie, cheat, commit crimes, which is what the Talmud teaches. Yes, it is much more difficult to remain a human being, especially in the Talmudic world, in the world of Satan. That is why God linked the hopes of humanity with the descendant of David, David, who was known for his heartfelt qualities. The American Henry Ford rightly said: "If you take the money from the 50 richest Jewish (Talmudic) families, then wars and revolutions will stop." In this case, Henry Ford, in fact, was talking about Talmudists, not Jews. It is just that in his time, Talmudists were mistakenly considered Jews, and the fact that Talmudists are not Jews, neither genetically, nor morally, nor religiously, has been irrefutably proven only in our times. At the same time, if during the Second World War the Talmudists could profit from military and other orders, since at that time atomic and nuclear weapons did not yet exist, which could destroy not only all of humanity, but also the climatic conditions on Earth suitable for human life, then now aggressive political Talmudism can actually destroy all of humanity. Therefore, all the prerequisites have matured to replace the Talmudic form of immoral and lawless government with the Constitutional form of legal and fair democratic government, both in authoritarian countries and in democracies.
Part 3. What is really happening in Georgia after November 28, 2024?!
Without carrying out institutional reforms of the unconstitutional authoritarian state governance in Georgia, with the aim of establishing a constitutional legal democratic state governance, the arrival of other political parties to the Supreme state power will not change anything in Georgia. Georgia will remain just as authoritarian, only new faces will appear, it will also stretches towards the same authoritarian Talmudic state power of Russia, just as the ruling party of Bidzina Ivanishvili is now stretchesing towards it. The pro-Western course will be temporary, since large illegal profits are more attractive to people in the Georgian government. In this context, the decision of the ruling party of Georgia, the Georgian Dream, taken at the end of 2024, at the beginning of 2025, seems very interesting. This decision to condemn all criminal and systemic crimes committed by Mikheil Saakashvili's party, the National Movement, since the Rose Revolution, from 2003 to 2012. To the question of why the ruling party of Georgia waited 12 years for such a condemnation, while some officials of the Saakashvili Government have already served their prison terms, and Saakashvili himself is still in prison, but not for the unconstitutional war he started in South Ossetia? The representative of Bidzina Ivanishvili's party, Sozar Subari, responded that up to this time they were busy had won cases against Russia in Strasbourg and in the UN International Criminal Court, because Russia had fulfilled its peacekeeping mandate in Georgia and stopped the unconstitutional war started by Mikheil Saakashvili in South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The question arises, if Georgia has won all international cases against Russia, regarding the five-day war that Mikheil Saakashvili unconstitutionally started, back then against his own population, after which Russian troops entered Georgia, then Bidzina Ivanishvili's party itself justified the unconstitutional actions, war of Mikheil Saakashvili and his government against the population of Georgia. Then what else does the ruling party want to judge Mikhail Saakashvili for?! Sozar Subari, who was the former People's Defender of Georgia and is now a representative of the ruling party, believes that human and civil rights are supposedly an abomination, while they are set out in the country's Constitution. The same is believed by a politician from the Talmudic KGB, a certain Iago Khvichia, who does not accept civil and social equality, since he is closer to the wild right-wing brutality, which does not take into account morality and the law. They illogical believe that the Republican Party of the United States, during Donald Trump's first presidential term, found itself in the minority in the US Congress because of the Deep State, and that the war in Ukraine was started by the Deep State, that is, some secret world state, which, if we put aside schizophrenic fantasies, is associated with Talmudists, which Donald Trump also himself is. In other words, they claim that the war in Ukraine was started by the Deep State, and not Vladimir Putin. They also illogical believe that everything that happens in the world, including in relation to Georgia, is connected with this Deep State or with their political idols. Georgian politicians believe that the world revolves only around them and thanks to them, the helpless, and is not connected with the will of the almighty God. Despite all of the above, the ruling party of Georgia has nevertheless announced its condemnation of Mikheil Saakashvili's party. Has Bidzina Ivanishvili really decided to condemn the Talmudic system of unconstitutional criminal state governance, which he himself continues to use to this day, only in a slightly modified form??? I seriously doubt it. Bidzina Ivanishvili simply wants to remove his political rival Mikheil Saakashvili and his party from politics, nothing more. Why am I so sure of this? Because the majority of politicians, officials, prosecutors and judges who committed criminal and systemic crimes, both during the times of Mikheil Saakashvili and during the times of Zviad Gamsakhurdia, are now in Bidzina Ivanishvili’s party or in his state power, and continue to commit the same crimes, excluding only the open criminal form of personal crimes. Authoritarianism and dictatorship of state governance is expressed in the ruling party's disregard for the facts of reality and the law in its own private interests. Mikheil Saakashvili's government were did it crudely, leaving victims and evidence of crime. Bidzina Ivanishvili's government does it more sophisticatedly, secretly, but it also leaves victims, who are no longer in the form of corpses, as well as documentary evidence. For example, Bidzina Ivanishvili's courts unreasonably refused to accept complaints from the President of Georgia and various parties regarding the falsification of the elections in October 2024. The Central Electoral Commission closed the opposition and international organizations the opportunity to double-check the correctness of the results of the elections. Some talk about bribes used by the ruling party. And now the Government of Bidzina Ivanishvili says that the opposition has not presented any evidence of election fraud. But the victims of the ruling party of Georgia, who are protesting the suspension of the Government's process of negotiations with the European Union on Georgia's accession to the EU, have been protesting in Tbilisi and various cities of Georgia for the second month. And the evidence of the facts of falsification is in the hands of the opposition. By the way, I also have evidence in my hands that I am the owner of some farms, mills, factories and plants in Georgia, but despite this, the Government and its Talmudic Prosecutor's Office criminally do not return my property, which is also a systemic criminal offense.
The logic of not legal, but criminal activity of politicians and officials of the ruling party was outlined by the mayor of Tbilisi, a former football player who scored a goal into his own net, Kakha Kaladze. Thus, in one of the restaurants in Dubai, four representatives of Bidzina Ivanishvili's party met with one guy who protests the suspension of the process of Georgia's integration into the EU. A verbal polemic with the use of uncultured spitting occurred between them. After that, they parted. The Georgian from the opposition, who was alone, was already sitting at the same table with his girlfriend, and was having lunch. Someone's child was nearby. One of the four Georgians, who were from Ivanishvili's party, approached the oppositionist and physically hit him with a plate and his hands. And after the oppositionist threw him on the couch and started hitting him himself, the other three dreamers, from the ruling party, attacked him from behind. However, one oppositionist stood up to the four attackers and even gave them a good beating. When asked to comment on this incident, Tbilisi Mayor Kakha Kaladze justified the physical violence of four people against one person for verbal abuse, instead of calling for a legal solution to all verbal confrontations. Verbal, non-contact abuse does not cause physical harm to a person, but physical violence, beating a person is already a criminal offense. This is how representatives of the mafia act, not the Constitutional State. That is why, after the above-mentioned incident, a conflict was provoked with one of the leaders of the opposition parties, Giorgi Gakharia, he was psychologically forced to take physical action, after which he was beaten, knocked to the ground. Around the same time, the ruling party used local hooligans against peacefully protesting women who declared a peaceful strike. Mikheil Saakashvili did all this, which is why the Georgian nation removed him from his government position. The question arises, how does the political power of Bidzina Ivanishvili differ from the political power of Mikheil Saakashvili?!
Georgian President Salome Zurabishvili told the people that if you don't like the Talmudic parties, then create your own party. At the same time, she knows very well that creating a party requires money, due to the lack of which she herself was unable to create her own party in Georgia when a hundred thousand people came to her rally. Later, she registered a party that had few people. The peoples of Georgia, and the Georgian nation as a whole, have been robbed by the Talmudic political parties of our country, so they have no money. In order for the students, professors, teachers, representatives of culture, science, medicine, etc. who are currently protesting in Georgia to create their own party, under the patronage of the EU and US democrats, under theirs Western legal mentality, for this financial aid must come from the EU and the US to them, for this direct purpose, and not to other Talmudic opposition parties of Georgia that have long discredited themselves, aimed at theft and corruption, like the ruling party.
Part 4. What reforms need to be carried out, both in authoritarian and democratic countries, so that peace reigns on our planet and progressive civilized development is guaranteed.
Now we will competently answer the question of how and what reforms need to be carried out so that the state system of governing the country becomes constitutional, legal, truly elective, observing the rule of law? It is very important to answer this question, because after the dissolution of the USSR, right-wing parties that do not recognize morality, humanity and the rule of law come to power in different countries. They propose to turn state policy into outright wild crime.
It is axiomatic, both from the point of view of historical reality and from the point of view of constitutional legality, that citizens of any state must have firmly protected human and civil rights, regardless of the color of the party that they elect or do not elect, that is, the majority hires to govern the state. And in order to ensure such 100% protection of the entire population without exception, to protect the voter, the President, the Prime Minister, and the political party, who are in the Supreme state power, should not have the right to destroy such protection of the citizens who elect them. In other words, they should not have the right to propose, appoint or dismiss the Chairman of the Supreme Court and other judges, the Attorney General, the Minister of Internal Affairs (FBI), the Minister of State Security (CIA, FSB), the Chairmen of the Central Electoral Commission, whose activities should be controlled by the Parliament and the relevant Parliamentary commissions. The President, the Prime Minister, and the political party should not be the kings of Satanism, dictators in the country, since they are elected by the people to satisfy the interests of this people, and not for something else, Talmudic. And to ensure the rule of law in the country, it is necessary to create an independent body that will monitor the legality of the activities of the above-mentioned state institutions, with the right to reasonably initiate criminal cases (including against prosecutors and judges who cover up crime with their corrupt lawlessness), and which would be accountable to the Parliament of the country. The Minister of State Security must inform the President or the Prime Minister of the current situation in the country, but must act in accordance with the Constitution, and not on the instructions of the President or the Prime Minister. The Central Electoral Commission must be formed by the neutral civil sector, and not by political parties, which should only play the role of observers in the election process. Elections must be without an unconstitutional barrier, since if a barrier is established, criminal discrimination and ignoring of the electoral rights of a part of the country's citizens occurs. People in government positions, including judges, should not have the right to consider and decide issues on complaints or challenges due to their own illegal, corrupt or criminal activities, as is the case in the criminal Talmudic anti-constitutional system of anti-state governance. It is precisely because of the described Talmudic criminal legislative activity that all legislation of the country created in the 21st century must be reviewed in order to cleanse it of subjectivity and systemic bureaucratic criminal mutual responsibility, which is the basis of lawlessness, corruption and other official systemic crimes. Without such systemic reforms of public administration in Georgia, it is impossible to ensure constitutional legal management of the state system. Without these reforms, real democratic people's governance remains only a subjective desire or a form of deception of the voter, creating an illusion for him, as if the voter has some relation to the governance of the state. This is equally true for both authoritarian and democratic countries of Talmudic governance on our planet.
By the way, real Jews are God's chosen people, and Talmudists, who have nothing to do with the Jewish people, but who are falsely and fraudulently called "the Jewish people", are the people of Satan, who consciously followed the devil, having consolidated Satanism in the content of their Talmud. At the same time, in the 21st century, Talmudists really need to be afraid that all other nations on our planet will also not begin to be guided by the Satanism of the Talmud, in relation to the Talmudists themselves, since in this case all the accumulated (stolen) wealth of the Talmudists in about 1-2 years may end up in the hands of other nations. This is easy for the nations of our planet to do, since the Talmud allows them to neglect morality, the law, allows them to lie, cheat, commit criminal offenses with impunity in the fight against the Talmudic criminal robbery of the peoples of planet Earth.... Therefore, Talmudists, change, ignore the Talmud.
Professor David Ben Melech (Abaev-Jirkvalidze), a real descendant of the King of Israel David.
Georgia, Gori, January 16, 2025.
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