I drink Coca-Cola... It's OK, I'm high." I'm talking that you know! There is no doubt, no second sense. God and me, and me and God are one. That's what it is. When you know this everything you do just come right. You meet a right person, you have no fear for tomorrow, whatever you do you put it together today. You are not building plan for tomorrow and for after tomorrow and for... This is God's problems. You is today. Today. You work for excellent today, that's it. He brings everything, makes everything upon. If what you do is not to be - it will be dissolved. And you can let it go away as came to you. If what you do is you think you are doing it - it's like when you go to the toilet one day you will pool the thing and you go with a water yourself. Are you understand? Let God is taking care of your routine!
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